Saturday, August 13, 2011

Carpe Diem

Ok so first off I would like to appologize for not writig more than I have, I would love to be able to write more. Second I would like to thank all of you for all the views I really appreciate it, it is really great to feel like my ramblings are being heard. But now its time for the real reason im writing.
I saw the scariest thing I have ever seen last night. i had decided to go to work with my mom. Her birthday is this Thursday and i wanted the oppurtunity to spend some time with her before school started back on Monday because i wouldnt have the chance to after. On the way to her workplace we pulled up on a terrible wreck involving 5 men in one van and a woman in another. I wont give all the details but my mom is a nurse and she stopped to help. The injuries were so bad that a couple of them had to be air lifted. seeing that wreck last night made me really thing about how precious life really is.
" Carpe Diem" is a latin phrase that means "Sieze The Day", and its a phrase we should all live by because we aren't guarunteed the next day.
Also, if you get the chance to help in a situation like that, dont just drive away. Now I'm not saying that everyone should do the same thing my mom did, I mean she's a nurse she's around crazy stuff like that every day, but there is almost always something you can do. I know I couldnt have done what my mom did, but I could make make phone calls.
And to the nurses or doctors out there I hope you never feel under appreciated because, especially after last night, I will always look up to you for doing what you are doing, don't ever feel like you arent doing enough.

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