Monday, November 28, 2011

We Are Young

We are young
Our hearts are still learning
How to love 
And what it is to feel
We are clay 
Held tightly in the hands 
Of unforeseen change
We call it fate
Or destiny
But that doesn't define us
And you're right 
No one knows exactly what you're going through
And no matter what I say 
I really don;t know if I help you 
But the truth is, what you're going through,
It makes you stronger
And if you really want help look within
You're heart is beautiful
And you are strong
You just haven't lived up to your full potential yet
You haven't discovered the strength inside your heart
But a heart is a muscle
And it keeps beating 
Even when you feel like quitting
We are Young
These are the best years of your life
So make the best of it
You are clay
Don't let fate mold you

This is Me

I am entangled  by my own heart and the limitations of my mind
I think too much and leave the things that matter far behind
Of course I live a life all my own never imitating those before me
I live a life in darkness and despair and in every dark night i find hope for a brighter tomorrow 
After all the sun rises every morning and the is beauty in every sunset
I am inspired by every breath i take
But just like every breath i take has to be given back 
The inspiration I find cant be held in silence
So now i give to you what was so graciously given to me 
In hope that you will be inspired as well
This is me...


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